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    Hong Fu Group

    Malaysia ISO Bird Nest Processing Center
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Yan Duo Pin

The Bird's Nest Brand Under Fellazo Group

The Origin Of Bird Nest

Bird nest is one of the top precious traditional food supplements among Chinese. Bird nest can be differentiated by the content of swiftlet saliva combined with other substances (like feathers) of ordinary swallows and golden swallows. The protein and nutritive value of golden swallows is the highest . . . . .

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Corporate Philosophy

Our Vision

  • To be the most excellent bird's nest supplier in China.
  • To be China and South East Asia most successful multinational establishment in the wellness industry.

Our Mission

  • To provide the highest quality, natural, pure, and reliable bird's nest and other health-care products to value customer.
  • To convey the right educational information on swiftlet ecology to community and discerning customers.
  • To ensure the process of bird's nest is in accordance with international ISO 22000 standards (Food Safety Management System).
  • To cultivate an outstanding corporate management elite.


Hong Fu Group is the Malaysia bird nest processing center to be awarded the ISO Consumers of Hong Fu Group can always 22000 (Food Safety Management System) All our premium bird nest are produced at Malaysia verified ecology bird nest house and processing center whereby the entire process is carried out Bird nest is a highly nutrition supplement in accordance with ISO 22000 require.


Group Founder

Ours Property

YDP Group owns the largest bird's nest collection factory in Malaysia and leads the industry with a transaction volume of at least 5,000 kg per month.

Our Process Center

Gone are the days of traditional and unhygienic processing of bird nest. At Hong Fu Group, the raw bird nests are sent to our state-of-the-art hygienic processing facilities.

Our Products

Bird's Nest Gold Coffee
Bird's Stem-cell Collagen Drink
Yanduopin Skin Care
Bird's Nest


Yanbaolitang launches 600 franchise stores.